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Address in Phoenix Conceding the 2008 Presidential Election
John McCain
The President's Radio Address
George W. Bush
Remarks at a Graduation Ceremony at the Federal Bureau of Investigation Academy in Quantico, Virginia
Remarks at an Obama-Biden Rally in Orlando, Florida
William J. Clinton
Remarks Following a Meeting With President Masoud Barzani of the Kurdistan Region in Iraq
Remarks Honoring President Theodore Roosevelt's 150th Birthday
Remarks Following a Meeting With President Fernando Armindo Lugo Mendez of Paraguay
Remarks at a Signing Ceremony for North Atlantic Treaty Organization Accession Protocols for Albania and Croatia
Remarks Following a Briefing at the National Security Agency at Fort Meade, Maryland
Remarks Following a Meeting With President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf of Liberia
Remarks at the White House Summit on International Development
Remarks Following a Meeting With Business Leaders in Alexandria, Louisiana
Remarks Prior to a Meeting With European Union Leaders at Camp David, Maryland
Remarks on the Visa Waiver Program
Remarks to the United States Chamber of Commerce
Remarks on Signing the Andean Trade Preference Act Extension
Remarks Following a Meeting With Business Leaders and an Exchange With Reporters in Ada, Michigan
Remarks Following a Video Teleconference With Iraq Provincial Reconstruction Team Leaders and Brigade Combat Commanders