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Remarks at an Obama Victory Fund 2012 Fundraiser in Chevy Chase, Maryland
Barack Obama
Remarks at an Obama Victory Fund 2012 Fundraiser
Remarks at the Washington Auto Show
Remarks Prior to a Cabinet Meeting and an Exchange With Reporters
Remarks Following a Meeting With President Mikheil Saakashvili of Georgia
The President's Weekly Address
Excerpts of Remarks at the Alfalfa Dinner
Remarks at the House Democratic Issues Conference in Cambridge, Maryland
Remarks at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor, Michigan
Remarks at Buckley Air Force Base, Colorado
Remarks at UPS Las Vegas South in Las Vegas, Nevada
Interview with Diane Sawyer of ABC's "World News"
Remarks at the Intel Corporation Ocotillo Campus in Chandler, Arizona
Remarks at Conveyor Engineering and Manufacturing in Cedar Rapids, Iowa
Interview with Maria Elena Salinas of Univision
Address Before a Joint Session of the Congress on the State of the Union
Remarks Honoring the 2011 Stanley Cup Champion Boston Bruins
Remarks at an Obama Victory Fund 2012 Fundraiser in New York City