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Letter to the Commissioner of Indian Affairs Concerning His Meetings With the Major Tribal Groups.
Dwight D. Eisenhower
Exchange of Letters Between the President and Prime Minister Zahedi Concerning the Need for Increased Aid to Iran.
Letter to Lewis W. Douglas Concerning Report on His Financial and Economic Mission to the United Kingdom.
Letter to Clarence Randall, Chairman, Commission on Foreign Economic Policy, Transmitting the Douglas Report.
Letter to Heads of Departments and Agencies Concerning Further Economies in Government.
Letter to Chancellor Adenauer of Germany Concerning the Uprisings in East Berlin and East Germany.
Letter to the Chairman, Senate Appropriations Committee, on the Mutual Security Program.
Telegram Congratulating Ben Hogan.
Exchange of Letters Between the President and Chancellor Adenauer Concerning the Soviet Government's Refusal To Admit Food for the people of East Germany.
Letter to the Speaker of the House of Representatives Transmitting a Proposed Supplemental Appropriation for the Department of Agriculture.
Exchange of Letters Between the President and Chancellor Adenauer of Germany Concerning Aid for the People of the Soviet Zone.
Letter to the Secretary of Agriculture Requesting a Study of the Problems of the Domestic Wool Industry.
Letter on Intellectual Freedom to the President of the American Library Association.
Letter to Chairmen of Senate Foreign Relations and House Foreign Affairs Committees Concerning the European Coal and Steel Community.
Letter to President Syngman Rhee of Korea, Concerning Acceptance of the Panmunjom Armistice.
Letter to Admiral Carney Regarding His Nomination as Chief of Naval Operations
Letter to General Ridgway on His Service as Supreme Allied Commander, Europe
Letter to the Chairman, North Atlantic Council, Requesting the Release of General Ridgway as Supreme Allied Commander, Europe
Letter to General Ridgway, Supreme Allied Commander, Europe, Regarding His Nomination as Chief of Staff of the Army
Letter to General Gruenther Regarding His Nomination as Supreme Allied Commander, Europe
Letter to the President of the Senate and to the Speaker of the House of Representatives Recommending Establishment of a Commission on Foreign Economic Policy.
Letter to Senator Anderson Concerning the Submerged Lands Bill.
Letter to the Chairman, Senate Committee on Foreign Relations, Concerning the St. Lawrence Seaway.
Exchange of Letters Between the President and Queen Juliana of the Netherlands Concerning Refugees.
Letter to the President of the Senate and to the Speaker of the House of Representatives Recommending Emergency Legislation for the Admission of Refugees.
Letter to the Governors of the States Inviting Them to a Conference at the White House.
Letter to Horace M. Albright Concerning a Mid-Century Conference on Resources.
Letter to the President of the Senate and to the Speaker of the House of Representatives Transmitting a Proposed Resolution on Subjugated Peoples.
Letter to James W. Cothran, Commander in Chief, Veterans of Foreign Wars.
Letter to Colonel C. M. Boyer, Executive Director, Reserve Officers Association, Concerning National Defense Week.
Letter to the President of the American National Red Cross Accepting the Position of Honorary Chairman.
Letter to the President, American Federation of Government Employees, on the 70th Anniversary of the Merit System.
Harry S Truman
Letter to the President-Elect Transmitting Report of the President's Committee on Government Contract Compliance
Letter Accepting Resignation of Charles F. Brannan as Secretary of Agriculture
Letter Accepting Resignation of James P. McGranery as the Attorney General.
Letter Accepting Resignation of Oscar Chapman as Secretary of the Interior.
Letter Accepting Resignation of John W. Snyder as Secretary of the Treasury.
Letter Accepting Resignation of Jesse M. Donaldson as Postmaster General.
Letter Accepting Resignation of Dean Acheson as Secretary of State.
Letter Accepting Resignation of Maurice J. Tobin as Secretary of Labor.
Letter Accepting Resignation of Charles Sawyer as Secretary of Commerce.
Letter in Response to Report by the Chairman, National Security Resources Board.
Letter to the Attorney General on the Grand Jury Investigation of the International Oil Cartels.
Letter to the President-Elect Forwarding Draft Order "Establishing Special Personnel Procedures in the Interest of the National Defense"
Letter Accepting Resignation of Robert A. Lovett as Secretary of Defense.
Letter in Response to the Latest Reports From the Bureau of the Census.
Letter Recommending Living Expense Deductions for the President, Vice President, and Speaker of the House of Representatives.
Letter to Committee Chairmen on the Need for Continuing Aid to the United Kingdom, France, and Italy.
Letter to Stephen J. Spingarn on Ethics in Government.
Letter to the Chairman, National Security Resources Board, Concerning the Report of the President's Materials Policy Commission.
Letter to Michael V. DiSalle on His Appointment as Administrator, Economic Stabilization Agency
Letter to the Administrator, Economic Stabilization Agency, on the Wage Stabilization Board.
Letter to the Administrator, Economic Stabilization Agency, on the New Wage Agreement in the Coal Industry.
Letter to the Chairman, Civil Service Commission, on the Need for Maintaining Rosters of Former Mobilization Personnel.
Letter Directing the Air Coordinating Committee To Make Plans for Observing the 50th Anniversary of the Wright Brothers flight.
Telegram to the President-Elect
Letter in Observance of the 34th Anniversary of the Independence of Czechoslovakia.
Letter to the Chairman, Federal Trade Commission, Requesting Him To Make an Economic Study.
Letter to the Secretary of Commerce Directing Him To Head a Mission To Survey European Industrial Progress.
Letter to the Chairman, Civil Aeronautics Board, Concerning Air Service Between the United States and Mexico.