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Letter Accepting Resignation of Herbert Brownell, Jr., as the Attorney General.
Dwight D. Eisenhower
Letter Accepting Resignation of Charles E. Wilson as Secretary of Defense.
Telegram to Senator Russell of Georgia Regarding the Use of Federal Troops at Little Rock.
Telegram to Congressman Powell of New York in Response to His Request for a Meeting.
Telegram to the Governor of Arkansas in Response to His Request for a Meeting.
Telegram to the Governor of Arkansas in Response to His Request for Assurance Regarding His Action at Little Rock.
Letter to Jere Cooper, Chairman, House Ways and Means Committee, on Duties on Lead and Zinc.
Letter to the Prime Minister of Belgium on Proposed Visit by King Leopold.
Letters for Inclusion With Passports of Citizens Travelling or Serving Abroad
Letter Appointing Federal Members of the Joint Federal-State Action Committee
Letter to Congressman Joseph W. Martin, Jr., on Proposed Legislation Affecting Status of Forces Overseas.
Letter to the President of the Senate and to the Speaker of the House of Representatives on Presidential Office Space.
Letter to Jere Cooper, Chairman, House Committee on Ways and Means, Regarding Small Business.
Letter to Carl T. Durham, Chairman, Joint Committee on Atomic Energy, on Proposed Agreement With Australia.
Letter to the President of the Senate and to the Speaker of the House of Representatives on the Hoover Commission Recommendations.
Letter to Secretary of State John Foster Dulles on the 50th Anniversary of His First Service in the Field of Foreign Affairs
Letter to Carter L. Burgess Designating Him as Chairman of the President's Citizens Advisory Committee on the Fitness of American Youth
Letter Accepting Resignation of George M. Humphrey as Secretary of the Treasury.
Letter to Attorney General Herbert Brownell, Jr., on Labor Dispute at Certain Atomic Energy Facilities.
Letter of Invitation to His Majesty Mohamed V, Sultan of Morocco.
Letter to the Speaker of the House of Representatives on the 1958 Budget.
Letter to the Reverend Edward L. R. Elson, Chairman, Good Friday Observance Committee.
Letter to David Sam off, Chairman, National Security Training Commission.
Letter to Prime Minister Ben-Gurion of Israel on Decision to Withdraw Behind Armistice Lines.
Exchange of Letters Between the President and the Prime Minister of Thailand on United States Aid and Technical Assistance
Letter Accepting Resignation of Philip Young as Chairman of the Civil Service Commission and as the President's Adviser on Personnel Management.
Letter Accepting Resignation of Arthur S. Flemming as Director, Office of Defense Mobilization.
Letter to Stanley Reed Regarding His Retirement From Active Service as An Associate Justice of the Supreme Court
Letter in Response to Report of Mrs. Eugene Meyer, Chairman, District of Columbia Auditorium Commission.
Letter to Herbert Hoover, Jr., Under Secretary of State.
Letter of Congratulation to the Right Honorable Harold Macmillan.
Cablegram to the Chancellor of Austria on the Death of President Koerner.
Telegram Regarding Commemoration of George Washington Carver Day.
Letter to Nikolai Bulganin, Chairman, Council of Ministers, U.S.S.R.
Telegram to the President of Finland on the Death of Former President Paasikivi.
Letter to Thomas J. Watson, Jr., Chairman, United States Council of the International Chamber of Commerce, on Membership in the Organization for Trade Cooperation.
Letter to General Bragdon, Special Assistant to the President for Coordination of Public Works Planning.
Letter to Harlow H. Curtice, Chairman, the President's Committee for Traffic Safety, on the Highway Modernization Program
Letter to Attorney General Herbert Brownell, Jr., on Labor Dispute in the Maritime Industry.
Letter Accepting Resignation of Arthur F. Bums as Chairman, Council of Economic Advisers.
Letter to Mrs. Rose Richards of Greenwich, Connecticut, on Inflation.
Letter to Reuben Cummings of Pleasantville, New Jersey, Concerning the Small Business Administration.
Letter to Horace M. Albright Concerning the Administration's Conservation Programs.
Telegram to Members of Republican Organizations Regretting Need for Canceling an Airport Meeting.
Letter to a College Student Concerning the Administration's Views on Education.
Letter to Joao Carlos Muniz, President of the Conference on the Statute of the International Atomic Energy Agency.
Letter to President Diem on the First Anniversary of the Republic of Viet-Nam.
Letter to James A. Sheehan, Associate Editor, National Tribune, on the Government's Veterans Program.
Telegram to Fred Herman, Chairman, Small Businessmen for Ike.
Letter to Nikolai Bulganin, Chairman, Council of Ministers, U. S. S. R.
Letter to President Hoover Concerning the Progress Made in Carrying Out the Hoover Commission Recommendations.
Letter to Albert M. Cole, Administrator of Housing and Home Finance Agency, Authorizing Mortgage Purchases Under Special Housing Program for the Elderly.
Letter to the President of the Senate and to the Speaker of the House of Representatives Regarding Mutual Security Assistance to Yugoslavia.
Letter to Henry Cabot Lodge, Jr., the President's Personal Representative at the Pulaski Day Parade in New York.
Letter to Representative Keating of New York Concerning the Admission of European Refugees and Escapees.
Letter to President O'Kelly of Ireland on the Occasion of the Dedication of the Commodore Barry Statue at Wexford.
Telegram to the Chairman of the Foundation for Religious Action in the Social and Civil Order.
Letter to Sherman Minton Regarding His Retirement as an Associate Justice of the Supreme Court
Telegram to Adlai E. Stevenson Offering Him Access to Special Intelligence Information.
Letter to Arthur F. Burns, Chairman, Council of Economic Advisers, Concerning Report of Cabinet Committee on Small Business