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Letter to Representative Samuel B. Hill on H.R. 8479.
Franklin D. Roosevelt
Letter on the Issuance of Commemorative Coins.
The Department of Justice is Asked to Investigate Kidnapping Suspects.
Letter from Attorney General Homer Cummings on Railroad Retirement Legislation.
Letter on Railroad Retirement Legislation.
Letter to Speaker of the House Joseph W. Byrns on the President's Press Conferences.
Letters Regarding the Perpetuation Peace and Friendship with Canada.
Letter on Celebrating the One Hundred and Fiftieth Anniversary of the Ordinance of 1787.
Letter to Editors and Publishers on Cooperation from the Press.
Letter on Robert Louis Stevenson's Treasure Island.
Letter on Trade to Governor General Frank Murphy of the Philippine Islands.
Letter on Code Compliance.
Letter to the World Narcotic Defense Association.
Letter Denying that the T.V.A. Lures Northern Industry to the South.
Letter Against Politics in Relief.
A Tribute to Grover Cleveland.
Letter to a Sick Boy.
Letter on the President's Ancestors.
Letter to Federal Housing Administrator James Moffett on Progress Made under the National Housing Act.
Letter to Senator Carter Glass on Preventing Wage-Scale Reductions.