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Letter Accepting Resignation of Marvin Jones as War Food Administrator.
Harry S Truman
Letter Accepting Resignation of Claude R. Wickard as Secretary of Agriculture
Letter Accepting Resignation of Frances Perkins as Secretary of Labor.
Letter Accepting Resignation of Francis Biddle as the Attorney General.
Letter to Heads of War Agencies on the Economic Situation in the Liberated Countries of Northwest Europe.
Letter to the Director, Office of War Mobilization and Reconversion, Concerning Key Personnel of the War Agencies.
Letter to Edwin W. Pauley Appointing Him as the President's Personal Representative on the Reparations Commission
Letter to Secretary Wallace Requesting a Study of the Patent Laws.
Letter to the Chairman of the O.W.M.R. Advisory Board on the Postwar Economy.
Franklin D. Roosevelt
Letter Suggesting an Inquiry into Guaranteed Wage Plans.
Letter Inviting Delegates to the United Nations Conference at San Francisco.
Letter on Railroad Retirement and Unemployment Insurance Legislation.
Letter on National Service Legislation.
Letter to Department Heads and Agencies Against Predicting an Early End of the War.
Letter of Resignation from Secretary of State Cordell Hull.
Letter of Reply to Cordell Hull.
Letter on Plans for Postwar Scientific Research and Development.
Letter to Herbert H. Lehman on the First Anniversary of U.N.R.R.A.
Congratulations to Admirals Nimitz and Halsey.
Congratulations to General MacArthur