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Letter to the Governor of Puerto Rico Disapproving a Bill Passed by the Territorial Legislature.
Harry S Truman
Letter to Justice Jackson Upon the Conclusion of His Duties With the Nurnberg Tribunal
Letter to James E. Markham Upon the Conclusion of His Duties as Alien Property Custodian
Letter Accepting Resignation of Judge John J. Parker as Alternate Member of the International Military Tribunal.
Letter to Representative Pittenger of Minnesota Concerning Coal Supplies in the Midwest.
Letter to the Chairman, American Veterans Committee, Concerning Discrimination on the Campus.
Letters Calling for Reductions in Expenditures for National Defense.
Letters Calling for Reductions in Expenditures for Construction.
Letter to the National Commander, American Legion, on Rehabilitation Problems.
Letter to the National Commander, Veterans of Foreign Wars, on Representation of Veterans at the Peace Conference.
Letters to Congressional Leaders Urging Enactment of the Housing Bill
Letter Appointing Members to the National Commission on Higher Education
Letter to the President, American Theatres Association, Concerning Government Informational Films.
Letter to the Chairman, Wage Stabilization Board, Requesting the Members and Staff To Remain at Their Posts.
Letter Accepting Resignation of the Chairman and Members of the Fair Employment Practice Committee.
Letter to the Director, Bureau of the Budget, Concerning Termination of the Office of the Director of Liquidation.
Letter Accepting Resignation of Chester Bowles as Director of Economic Stabilization.
Letter to the President, Civil Service Commission, Concerning Employees of Liquidated Agencies.
Letter Commending the Federal Communications Commission.
Letter Accepting Resignation of Harold D. Smith as Director of the Bureau of the Budget.