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Letter to Frieda B. Hennock on Her Decision To Decline a Recess Appointment as a Federal Judge
Harry S Truman
Letter to the Chairman, Commission on Internal Security and Individual Rights.
Letter to the Chairman, Wage Stabilization Board, on the Settlement of a Labor Dispute Affecting the Production of Copper.
Letter to the President of the Senate Requesting Appropriations for the Enforcement of Antimonopoly Legislation.
Letters to the Chairman of the Wage Stabilization Board Authorizing Investigations of Labor Disputes Affecting Aircraft Production.
Letter to the Vice President Transmitting Correspondence From Henry A. Wallace Relating to His Trip to the Far East in 1944.
Letter to the President of the Senate on the Need for Additional Tax Revenue.
Letter Accepting Resignation of General George C. Marshall as Secretary of Defense.
Telegram to the Attorney General Authorizing Him To Issue an Injunction in the Copper Industry Strike.
Letter Greeting the President of the Philippines Upon His Arrival at Washington National Airport.
Letter to the President, National Farmers Union, on the Taxation of Cooperatives.
Letter to the Chairman, Wage Stabilization Board, Requesting Investigation of a Strike in the Copper and Nonferrous Metals Industry.
Letter to the Chairman, Senate Committee on Finance, in Support of a Narcotics Control Bill.
Letter to the President of the Senate and to the Speaker of the House on the International Children's Emergency Fund.
Letter to the Chairman, Senate Committee on Appropriations, on the Budget Requests for Flood Control Purposes.
Letter to the Chairman, Senate Committee on Appropriations, on U.S. Contributions to the U.N. and Other International Organizations.
Letter to the President, CIO, on the Flood Control Problem in the Missouri River Basin.
Letter to the Chairman, Senate Committee on Expenditures in the Executive Branch, on Pending Reorganization Legislation.
Letter to Committee Chairmen on Financing the United Nations Palestine Refugee Program.
Letter to the Chairman, Wage Stabilization Board, Requesting Investigation of a Labor Dispute Affecting the Production of Copper.