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Hillary Clinton Campaign Press Release - Clinton Campaign Reaction to DNC Meeting on Seating Florida Delegation
Hillary Clinton
Remarks with Chris Matthews at the "Hardball" College Tour at West Chester University of Pennsylvania
Barack Obama
Hillary Clinton Campaign Press Release - Clinton Announces "Insourcing" Agenda At 21st Century Jobs Summit
Hillary Clinton Campaign Press Release - Morning HUBdate: Swing State Lead
Hillary Clinton Campaign Press Release - New Ad: Clinton Campaign Unveils "Ringing" Ad Statewide in Pennsylvania
Hillary Clinton Campaign Press Release - Hillary Clinton Unveils Video Tribute to the Legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. in Remembrance of the 40th Anniversary of His Death
Statement Of Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton On World Autism Awareness Day
Hillary Clinton Campaign Press Release - Clinton Campaign Invites Obama Campaign to Add Austan Goolsbee to NAFTA Call
Remarks to the AFL-CIO in Philadelphia
Obama Campaign Press Release - Wyoming Governor Dave Freudenthal Endorses Barack Obama
Address at Episcopal High School in Alexandria, Virginia
John McCain
Hillary Clinton Campaign Press Release - Obama v. Obama on the Primary: "Bataan death march" or "good thing"?
Hillary Clinton Campaign Press Release - Clinton Announces Plan To Create Three Million Jobs
Hillary Clinton Statement on NATO Summit In Bucharest
Hillary Clinton's Statement on Recent Graduation Rate Study
Statement By John McCain On The Situation In Zimbabwe
McCain Campaign Press Release - John McCain 2008 Launches New Web Ad: "American Heroes"
Hillary Clinton Campaign Press Release - Excerpts: Hillary Clinton Announces Plan To Create Three Million Jobs By Investing In Infrastructure
Remarks at the Pennsylvania A.F.L.-C.I.O. in Harrisburg
Obama Campaign Press Release - Obama for America Campaign Announces the Endorsement of Pedro Pierluisi
Hillary Clinton Campaign Press Release - HUBdate: Strong on the Economy
Hillary Clinton Campaign Press Release - Flashback: Obama Voted For Bush/Cheney Energy Bill, Written In Secret By Industry Lobbyists
Hillary Clinton Campaign Press Release - Clinton Outlines Tax Cuts For Pennsylvania Families On Fourth Day of Economic Tour
Statement from Hillary Clinton on Cesar E. Chavez's Birthday
Obama Statement on Secretary Jackson's Resignation
Address in Meridian, Mississippi
Obama Campaign Press Release - Senator Amy Klobuchar Endorses Barack Obama
Hillary Clinton Campaign Press Release - Senator Clinton Calls for Immediate Action to Strengthen Financial Market Regulation and Help Keep Families in Their Homes
Statement by Senator Obama Calling for National Holiday in Honor of Chavez's Birthday
McCain Campaign Press Release - John McCain 2008 Launches New Web Ad: "Character Forged By Family"
Statement by Hillary Clinton Reacting to Regulation Announcements From the Bush Administration
Hillary Clinton Statement on Resignation of Secretary Alphonso Jackson
Hillary Clinton Campaign Press Release - Morning HUBdate: Too Short on Action
Statement of Barack Obama on Countrywide Execs Who Will Reportedly Collect Multi-Million Dollar Payouts
McCain Campaign Press Release - Mississippi Papers On John McCain's Return to Meridian
Hillary Clinton Campaign Press Release - HUBdate: For the Long Run
McCain Campaign Press Release - "In Case You Missed It": David Brooks On John McCain
Hillary Clinton Campaign Press Release - Clinton Campaigns In Indiana On Day Two Of The Solutions For The American Economy Tour
Hillary Clinton Campaign Press Release - False Advertising: New Obama Ad Falsely Claims He Does Not Accept Money From Oil Companies