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Rubio Campaign Press Release - WATCH: Marco Rubio Lays Out the Larger Lesson of the Horrors in Paris
Marco Rubio
Hillary Clinton Campaign Press Release - Hillary Clinton Summed Up One of the Most Important Issues of This Election at the Democratic Debate
Hillary Clinton
Graham Campaign Press Release - On Hugh Hewitt and NBC's TODAY Show, Graham Responds To Terror Attacks In Paris With Plan To Defeat ISIL
Lindsey Graham
Hillary Clinton Campaign Press Release - Hillary Clinton Addresses Paris Attacks at the Democratic Debate
Statement by Governor John Kasich Calling for the U.S. to Immediately Work with Allies to Destroy ISIS in the Wake of Paris Attacks
John Kasich
Statement by Senator Lindsey Graham on Terror Attacks in Paris
Jindal Campaign Press Release - RedState: Conservative Voters Should Give Bobby Jindal A Chance
Bobby Jindal
Statement by Governor Pataki on the Paris Attacks
George Pataki
Kasich Campaign Press Release - Endorsement: Former US Senator Ben Nighthorse Campbell Thinks John Kasich Should Be President
Hillary Clinton Campaign Press Release - Hillary Clinton Wants To Save You Money On College. Here's How
Sanders Campaign Press Release - The Rigged Economy
Bernie Sanders
Hillary Clinton Campaign Press Release - This One Stop Sums Up Hillary Clinton's Campaign Perfectly
Statement by Senator Ted Cruz on the Terrorist Attacks in Paris
Ted Cruz
Statement by Senator Bernie Sanders on the Attacks in Paris
Sanders Campaign Press Release - Sanders to Visit Cleveland
Cruz Campaign Press Release - Ted Cruz Announces Policy to Stop Illegal Immigration
Cruz Campaign Press Release - Cruz Announces Florida Leadership Team of 81 Conservative Influencers from Across the State
Cruz Campaign Press Release - Cruz Names 70 New Members to New Hampshire Leadership Team
Sanders Campaign Press Release - Ohio State Sen. Nina Turner Endorses Sen. Sanders for President
Rubio Campaign Press Release - No Minimum Wage Hike