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The Vice President's Remarks at the Medical College of Ohio in Toledo
Richard B. Cheney
Remarks by the Vice President in a Q&A at the Boone County Lumber Company in Columbia, Missouri
The Vice President's Remarks at a Bush-Cheney '04 Rally in Waterloo, Iowa
The Vice President's Remarks at a Bush-Cheney '04 Rally in Lansing, Michigan
The Vice President's Remarks at a Victory 2004 Reception with an Introduction by Mrs. Cheney in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
The Vice President's Remarks at a Breakfast for Charlie Dent in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania
The Vice President's Remarks at a Luncheon for Scott Paterno in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania
The Vice President's Remarks at the Opening of the Department of Homeland Security Operations Center
The Vice President's Remarks at a Reception for Calder Clay in Macon, Georgia
The Vice President's Remarks at the D-Day Museum in New Orleans, Louisiana
The Vice President's Remarks at a Geoff Davis Event in Hebron, Kentucky
The Vice President's Remarks at Bush-Cheney '04 Rally in Sioux City, Iowa
Remarks by the Vice President at Duro-Last Roofing and Plastatech in Saginaw, Michigan
The Vice President's Remarks at a Rally for Bush-Cheney '04 in Springfield, Missouri
Remarks by the Vice President to Bush-Cheney Supporters in Las Vegas, Nevada
Remarks by the Vice President at Adam Aircraft Industries in Englewood, Colorado
The Vice President's Remarks at a Fundraiser for Jeff Fortenberry in Lincoln, Nebraska
Remarks by the Vice President at Nextech Materials in Columbus, Ohio
The Vice President's Remarks at the 2004 Joint State Victory Reception in Panama City, Florida
The Vice President's Remarks at a Reception for the James Madison Institute in Orlando, Florida