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Remarks by the Vice President and Vice President Kalla of the Republic of Indonesia Prior to a Meeting in New York City
Mike Pence
Readout of the Vice President's Phone Call with President Lenin Moreno of the Republic of Ecuador
Readout of the Vice President's Meeting with Prime Minister Zoran Zaev of the Republic of Macedonia
Remarks by the Vice President at the Presentation of the U.S. Flag to the Korean War Veterans Memorial Foundation
Readout of Vice President Mike Pence's Meeting with Prime Minister Ukhnaa Khurelsukh of Mongolia
Readout of Vice President Mike Pence's Call with President Ivan Duque of Colombia
Remarks by the Vice President at Mill Steel Company in Grand Rapids, Michigan
Remarks by the Vice President at a September 11th Observance Ceremony
Readout of Vice President Mike Pence's Call with Prime Minister Nechirvan Barzani of Iraq's Kurdistan Regional Government
Remarks by the Vice President to Veterans and Airmen at Nellis Air Force Base in Las Vegas, Nevada