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Letter to the Governors of the States Urging Them To Establish Committees To Assist in Implementing the Refugee Relief Act
Dwight D. Eisenhower
Letter to the Governors of the States and Territories Requesting Them To Serve as Honorary Chairmen, United Defense Fund.
Letter to Governor Thornton, Chairman of the Governors' Conference 1954, Proposing a Visit to Korea by a Select Group of Governors.
Letter to the Governors of the States Calling for a Conference on Highway Safety.
Letter to the Governors of the States Inviting Them to a Conference at the White House.
Exchange of Messages With Governor Dewey Concerning U.S. Action in Korea
Harry S Truman
Telegram to the Governors Concerning the Midcentury White House Conference on Children and Youth.
Letter to the Governors Convening the Highway Safety Conference.
Message in Response to Governor Dewey's Inaugural Greetings
Telegram to State Governors Urging Cooperation With the Citizens Food Committee.