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Fact Sheet: Presidential Memorandum on Promoting Diversity and Inclusion in the National Security Workforce
Barack Obama
Fact Sheet: The White House Rural Forum
Fact Sheet: Providing Students and Families with Comprehensive Support and Information for College Success
Fact Sheet: Helping Working Americans Get Ahead by Expanding Paid Sick Leave and Fighting for Equal Pay
Fact Sheet: Data by the People, for the People — Eight Years of Progress Opening Government Data to Spur Innovation, Opportunity, & Economic Growth
Fact Sheet: United States Hosts First-Ever Arctic Science Ministerial to Advance International Research Efforts
Fact Sheet: Launch of the "Lock Down Your Login" Public Awareness Campaign
Fact Sheet: Obama Administration Announces New Efforts to Increase National Preparedness by Building Community Capacity to Recover from Disasters
Fact Sheet: The 8th Annual White House Tribal Nations Conference
Fact Sheet: Announcing Over $80 million in New Federal Investment and a Doubling of Participating Communities in the White House Smart Cities Initiative
Fact Sheet: U.S.-Africa Cooperation on Trade and Investment Under the Obama Administration
Fact Sheet on the Leaders' Summit on Refugees
Fact Sheet: White House Announces Commitments to the Call to Action for Private Sector Engagement on the Global Refugee Crisis
Fact Sheet: Ensuring Safe and Supportive Schools for All Students
Fact Sheet: Obama Administration Announces Prescription Opioid and Heroin Epidemic Awareness Week
Fact Sheet: New Progress on Using Behavioral Science Insights to Better Serve the American People
Fact Sheet: President Obama to Continue Global Leadership in Combatting Climate Change and Protecting Our Ocean by Creating the First Marine National Monument in the Atlantic Ocean
Fact Sheet: Memorandum of Understanding Reached with Israel
Fact Sheet: New Progress and Momentum in Support of President Obama's Computer Science for All Initiative
Fact Sheet: White House Announces New Resources at Second Annual Summit on Next Generation High Schools