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A rule or order issued by the president to an executive branch of the government and having the force of law.
Executive Order—Calling for 200,000 Men
Abraham Lincoln
Executive Order
Executive Order—Assigning U.S. Grant to the Command of the Armies of the United States
Executive Order—Exportation of Tobacco Belonging to the French Government
Executive Order—Deserters Death Sentences Remitted
Executive Order—Regarding the Colonization Experiment
Executive Order—Drafting 500,000 Men
Executive Order—Approving Trade Regulations
Executive Order—Bosque Redondo Reserve
Executive Order—Export of Tobacco Purchased by Foreign Nations
Executive Order—Concerning Commercial Regulations
Executive Order—Retaliation
Executive Order—License of Commercial Intercourse
General Orders No. 20—Relieving General A.E. Burnside and Making Other Changes
Executive Order—Prohibiting the Export of Arms and Munitions of War
Executive Order—General Order Respecting the Observance of the Sabbath Day in the Army and Navy
Executive Order—Concerning the Confiscation Act
Executive Order—Concerning Blockade
Executive Order—Relieving General G. B. McClellan and Making Other Changes
Executive Order—Establishing a Provisional Court in Louisiana
Order to General H.W. Halleck
Executive Order [on the death of Martin van Buren]
Executive Order—Authorizing Employment of "Contrabands"
Executive Order—In Regard to Behavior of Aliens
Executive Order—Concerning the Southwest Branch of the Pacific Railroad
Executive Order—Making Henry W. Halleck General-in-Chief
Executive Order—Call for Troops
Order Constituting the Army of Virginia
Executive Order—Taking Military Possession of Railroads
Executive Order—President's Special War Order No. 3
Executive Order—President's General War Order No. 2