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A rule or order issued by the president to an executive branch of the government and having the force of law.
Executive Order 10184—Transferring Certain Land Comprising a Portion of the Arecibo Coast Guard Lighthouse Reservation to the Insular Government of Puerto Rico
Harry S Truman
Executive Order 10182—Providing for the Appointment of Certain Persons Under the Defense Production Act of 1950 and Prescribing Regulations for Their Exemption from Certain Conflict of Interest Statutes
Executive Order 10183—Making Certain Changes in Internal Revenue Collection Districts in the State of New York
Executive Order 10181—Delegating to the Director of the Bureau of the Budget the Function of Determining, for Certain Purposes, Agency Programs Related Directly to the National Defense
Executive Order 10180—Establishing Special Personnel Procedures in the Interest of the National Defense