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A rule or order issued by the president to an executive branch of the government and having the force of law.
Executive Order 1959—Establishing Smith Island Reservation for the Protection of Native Birds
Woodrow Wilson
Executive Order 1944—To Create a Committee to Formally and Officially Open the Panama Canal
Executive Order 1926—Relating to Salaries of Consular Officers
Executive Order 1888—Providing Conditions of Employment for the Permanent Force for the Panama Canal
Executive Order 1885—To Establish a Permanent Organization for the Operation and Government of the Panama Canal
Executive Order 1884—To Prevent Fire-Hunting at Night, and Hunting by Means of a Spring or Trap in the Canal Zone, and to Repeal the Executive Order of September 8, 1909
Executive Order 1880—To Prevent the Corrupt Influencing of Agents, Employees or Servants in the Canal Zone
Executive Order 1864—Navajo Reservation, New Mexico
Executive Order 1860—Fixing the Rate of Interest on Money
Executive Order 1857—To Regulate the Carrying of Arms in the Canal Zone
Executive Order 1819—Anaho Island Reservation
Executive Order 1798—Revocation of Executive Order No. 1540
Executive Order 1786—Temporarily Withdrawing From Public Domain Certain Lands in the State of Arizona
Executive Order 1782—Adding Lands to the Gila River Indian Reservation in Arizona
Executive Order 1774—Withdrawing From Public Domain Certain Lands in the State of New Mexico
Executive Order 1772—Withdrawing From the Public Domain Certain Lands in the State of California
Executive Order 1699—Reserving Lands in Arizona for Use of the Navajo Indians
William Howard Taft
Executive Order 1700—Reserving Lands in New Mexico for Use of the Navajo Indians
Executive Order 1681—Reserving Lands in Nevada for Use of the Paiute and Shoshoni Indians
Executive Order 1682—Setting Aside Lands in Montana for Administrative Purposes in Connection with Flathead Indians