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Remarks on Signing a Veterans Medical Care Bill
Ronald Reagan
Exchange With Reporters Following a Luncheon With Mother Teresa of Calcutta
Exchange With Reporters on Consultations With Ambassador Habib Concerning the Situation in Lebanon
Question-and-Answer Session With Reporters Helen Thomas and Jim Gerstenzang on the President's Recovery Period
Exchange With Reporters on Foreign and Domestic Crisis Management
Exchange With Reporters in New York, New York
Remarks Announcing Additional Federal Aid for the Investigation of the Murdered and Missing Youth in Atlanta, Georgia
Remarks During a White House Briefing on the Program for Economic Recovery
Exchange With Reporters on the Program for Economic Recovery
Exchange With Reporters on the Release of the American Hostages in Iran
Remarks Announcing United States-Iran Agreement for Release of the Hostages
Jimmy Carter
Budget Message Remarks at the Signing Ceremony.
American Hostages in Iran Informal Exchange With Reporter:.
Plains, Georgia Informal Exchange With Reporters on Arrival.
American Hostages in Iran Informal Exchange With Reporters.
New Year's Day Informal Exchange With Reporters.
Plains, Georgia Informal Exchange With Reporters.
Plains, Georgia Informal Exchange With Reporters Following a Visit With Allie Smith.