(46) Jill Tracy Jacobs Biden


Jill Tracy Jacobs Biden



Death date



Joe Biden

Dates of service


Relationship to president

Joseph Biden

Other marriages

Prior marriage to Bill Stevenson



The White House: Dr. Jimm Biden

The White House Historical Association: Dr. Jill Biden

Papers/letters collections

[VIDEO] Jill Biden’s Speech at the 2020 Democratic National Convention

Dr. Jill Biden Documents in the American Presidency Project 

Book: Where the Light Enters: Building a Family, Discovering Myself

Historical sites


Fascinating details

  • Received her bachelor’s degree from the University of Delaware in 1975, her master’s in education from West Chester State College (now West Chester University of Pennsylvania) in 1981, an additional master’s degree in English from Villanova University in 1991, and a doctorate degree in education from the University of Delaware in 2007.
  • Dr. Jill Biden is said to be the first spouse of a vice president to maintain a paying job—professor of English at Northern Virginia Community College—throughout the VP’s tenure.