(40) Nancy Davis Reagan


Nancy Davis Reagan



Death date



Ronald Reagan

Dates of service


Relationship to president


Other marriages




Ronald Reagan Presidential Library and Museum: Biography of Nancy Davis Reagan

National First Ladies Library Biography of Nancy Reagan

The White House: Nancy Davis Reagan

Papers/letters collections

Ronald Reagan Presidential Library and Museum: Nancy Reagan Papers

Book: Nancy: The Autobiography of America's First Lady

Book: My Turn: The Memoirs of Nancy Reagan

Historical sites

Ronald Reagan Presidential Library and Museum: Nancy Reagan Exhibit

Nancy Reagan Gravesite

Fascinating details

  • Nancy Davis Reagan was a well-known actress, starting in stage acting and later relocating to Hollywood for film and television roles.
  • She was also known as “a deft international ambassador for brisk, polished, and generally faultless American high style,” according to Vogue.
  • Nancy received criticism for assuming more traditional gender roles as well as her extravagant spending on refurbishing the White House, leading to intervention from the Reagan staff to subdue her elitist image.
  • Famously known for spearheading the “Just Say No” anti-drug movement, which she continued even after her term as first lady.
  • Contrary to conservative belief, Nancy Reagan was an advocate for embryonic stem cell research.

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