(23) Caroline Lavinia Scott Harrison


Caroline Lavinia Scott Harrison



Death date



Benjamin Harrison

Dates of service


Relationship to president


Other marriages 




First Ladies National Library Biography of Caroline Harrison

The White House: Caroline Lavinia Scott Harrison

The White House Historical Association: Caroline Harrison

Caroline Harrison Materials at the Benjamin Harrison Presidential Site

Papers/letters collections

Manuscripts for: Caroline Harrison

Library of Congress: Benjamin Harrison Papers

Caroline Scott Harrison and Mary Lord Harrison Letter

Historical sites

Caroline Scott Harrison Chapter House and Museum

Caroline Lavina Scott Harrison Gravesite

Fascinating details

  • First ‘first lady’ to have a Christmas tree in the White House.
  • First ‘first lady’ to have electricity in the White House.
  • The causes she supported include women’s rights, preservation of the White House, as well as being an advocate for the arts. 
  • She started the White House china collection.
  • She helped found and fund the John Hopkins Medical School. 
  • She was the first president-general of the Daughters of the American Revolution.
  • She was the second first lady to die in the White House (the first being Letitia Tyler), dying of tuberculosis in 1892.

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