Results 3876 - 3900 of 4047 records found
Date | Related | Document Title |
Aug 21, 1968 | Lyndon B. Johnson |
Statement by the President Upon Signing Bill Establishing the Foreign Service Information Officer Corps. today an integral part of our diplomacy. Communication with other peoples is 20th century diplomacy , just as much as the exchange … service for this new arm of its diplomacy . For the first time, USIA … |
Dec 05, 1967 | Lyndon B. Johnson |
Statement by the President on the Preservation of Peace in Cyprus. good will and the skill of diplomacy have been productive. In … |
Nov 08, 1968 | Lyndon B. Johnson |
Statement by the President Upon Issuing Executive Order on the Administration of the Foreign Service Personnel System. meet the needs of modern diplomacy . Our ability to advance United … |
Jun 25, 1965 | Lyndon B. Johnson |
Address in San Francisco at the 20th Anniversary Commemorative Session of the United Nations. will of mankind. Bilateral diplomacy has yielded no result. The … |
Mar 23, 1966 | Lyndon B. Johnson |
Remarks on the North Atlantic Treaty Organization to the Foreign Service Institute. than half a century ago when diplomacy was often war by another … |
Oct 24, 1966 | Lyndon B. Johnson |
Summary of the President's Remarks at the Manila Summit Conference. it may come through quiet diplomacy that goes unreported, or … |
Jun 19, 1967 | Lyndon B. Johnson |
Address at the State Department's Foreign Policy Conference for Educators. will use every resource of diplomacy , and every counsel of reason … |
Apr 15, 1968 | Lyndon B. Johnson |
Remarks Upon Arriving at the Honolulu International Airport. through the processes of diplomacy . Another lies in the ability … |
Apr 15, 1968 | Lyndon B. Johnson |
Remarks at the Iolani Palace in Honolulu. reach that goal, the path of diplomacy and the path of military … Americans alike are ready to let diplomacy go to work--now--without … |
May 13, 1965 | Lyndon B. Johnson |
Address to Members of the Association of American Editorial Cartoonists: The Challenge of Human Need in Viet-Nam political solution, the face of diplomacy and politics, of the ambitions … |
Jun 24, 1968 | Lyndon B. Johnson |
Remarks at the Swearing In of George Ball as U.S. Representative to the United Nations. service of international diplomacy . He assumes America's embassy … |
Dec 06, 1963 | Lyndon B. Johnson |
Remarks With Under Secretary of State George W. Ball at the Presentation of the Medal of Freedom Awards endeavor: the arts, science, diplomacy , government, the humanities … |
Mar 07, 1967 | Lyndon B. Johnson |
Remarks at the Seventh Annual Federal Woman's Award Ceremony precedent-building field of multilateral diplomacy ". Dr. Barbara Moulton, Medical … |
Jul 01, 1968 | Lyndon B. Johnson |
Remarks at the Signing of the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty times for the quiet works of diplomacy . After long seasons of patient … |
Sep 16, 1964 | Lyndon B. Johnson |
Remarks With Prime Minister Pearson Upon Proclaiming the Columbia River Treaty stayed independent, classical diplomacy suggests that we might very … |
Oct 18, 1966 | Lyndon B. Johnson |
Remarks at the East-West Center in Honolulu force and of sacrifice; of diplomacy and negotiation; of rehabilitation … |
Mar 20, 1968 | Lyndon B. Johnson |
Remarks of Welcome at the White House to President Stroessner of Paraguay President: In the language of diplomacy , our meeting this morning … |
Dec 29, 1963 | Lyndon B. Johnson |
Remarks in Stonewall, Texas, at a Barbecue in Honor of Chancellor Erhard and talking about the new diplomacy . The Chancellor and I have … |
Feb 14, 1964 | Lyndon B. Johnson |
Remarks at St. Louis University never resort to battleship diplomacy or rely upon the umbrella … |
May 11, 1966 | Lyndon B. Johnson |
Remarks at the Woodrow Wilson School for Public and International Affairs, Princeton University criticism is one thing and that diplomacy is another. They have learned … |
Dec 13, 1963 | Lyndon B. Johnson |
Remarks of Welcome to the Chiefs of Mission of the Diplomatic Corps understand the way in which diplomacy has evolved over centuries … that understanding. Modern diplomacy does not deprive the diplomat … circumstances and the evolution of diplomacy require that the modern diplomat … |
May 04, 1965 | Lyndon B. Johnson |
Remarks Upon Presenting Distinguished Service Medal to Adm. Harold Page Smith ability to combine persuasive diplomacy with astute military judgment … |
Aug 19, 1968 | Lyndon B. Johnson |
Remarks in Detroit at the Annual Convention of the Veterans of Foreign Wars now we are doing all that diplomacy can do to end the war through … |
Jan 22, 1964 | Lyndon B. Johnson |
Toasts of the President and Prime Minister Pearson know what it would do to diplomacy and the State Department. "But … |
Feb 07, 1967 | Lyndon B. Johnson |
Special Message to the Senate on Transmitting the Treaty on Outer Space chances for peace. II In the diplomacy of space, as in the technology … |