Results 301 - 325 of 4047 records found
Date | Related | Document Title |
Sep 27, 1960 | Richard Nixon |
Remarks by the Vice President, Hospital Baseball Field, West Memphis, AR must see that as far as our diplomacy is concerned. we never make … |
Oct 24, 1973 | Richard Nixon |
Veto of the War Powers Resolution ability to exercise quiet diplomacy backed by subtle shifts in … |
Oct 10, 1976 | Gerald R. Ford |
Statement on Signing the International Terrorism Prevention Bill. the important burdens of diplomacy . Last summer, we were grieved … |
Oct 18, 1974 | Gerald R. Ford |
Statement on Signing the Continuing Appropriations Resolution. concerning the damage to our diplomacy that would result from its … |
Feb 03, 1975 | Gerald R. Ford |
Annual Budget Message to the Congress, Fiscal Year 1976. international community. Our diplomacy , backed by a strong national … |
Jun 03, 1976 | Gerald R. Ford |
Remarks and a Question-and-Answer Session With Reporters Following a Meeting on General Revenue Sharing. those problems by skillful diplomacy , and that was the purpose … |
Jun 02, 1975 | Gerald R. Ford |
Exchange With Reporters Following a Meeting With President Sadat of Egypt would involve step-by-step diplomacy ? And two, did you discuss … |
Nov 17, 1974 | Gerald R. Ford |
Remarks at Anchorage, Alaska. the list of priorities for diplomacy as far as I am concerned … |
Feb 13, 1975 | Gerald R. Ford |
Remarks at a Dinner in New York City Honoring Vice President Rockefeller. American leadership. Our diplomacy is still the best hope of … nations and fast-moving change, diplomacy is a process, not execution … |
Mar 20, 1975 | Gerald R. Ford |
Remarks at a Luncheon for Participants in the Travel Program for Foreign Diplomats. It has been said that in diplomacy there are no true friendships--only … |
Apr 15, 1975 | Gerald R. Ford |
Address at the Continental Congress of the Daughters of the American Revolution. starting point for hopeful new diplomacy . For their part, the Europeans … |
May 03, 1975 | Gerald R. Ford |
Remarks at the U.S.S. Nimitz Commissioning Ceremony in Norfolk, Virginia. mission is one of defense, diplomacy , or humanity, the Nimitz … |
Aug 19, 1975 | Gerald R. Ford |
Address in Minneapolis Before the Annual Convention of the American Legion. language, the classic language of diplomacy . But I wish there were one … |
Jan 05, 1976 | Gerald R. Ford |
Remarks at the Annual Convention of the American Farm Bureau Federation in St. Louis. The linkage of grain [with] diplomacy would mean disruption and … |
Jun 06, 1976 | Gerald R. Ford |
Remarks in Cleveland at the National Awards Dinner of the National Conference of Christians and Jews to use that strength, with diplomacy , to build a better world … conduct an imaginative, bold diplomacy that shows creative American … |
Sep 24, 1976 | Gerald R. Ford |
Remarks on Diplomatic Negotiations in Southern Africa. the skillful and energetic diplomacy that we have pursued. We … |
Jul 20, 1976 | Gerald R. Ford |
Remarks at the Swearing In of Shirley Temple Black as Chief of Protocol for the State Department. training in the various areas of diplomacy , plus your long experience … |
Apr 21, 1975 | Gerald R. Ford | Interview With Walter Cronkite, Eric Sevareid, and Bob Schieffer of CBS News. |
Jan 23, 1975 | Gerald R. Ford |
Interview With John Chancellor and Tom Brokaw of NBC News. shut out of Middle Eastern diplomacy since Dr. Kissinger began step-by-step diplomacy . Why was that? Couldn't the … |
Jan 15, 1975 | Gerald R. Ford |
Address Before a Joint Session of the Congress Reporting on the State of the Union. not sufficient. Effective diplomacy is also essential in preventing … |
Apr 10, 1975 | Gerald R. Ford |
Address Before a Joint Session of the Congress Reporting on United States Foreign Policy. dismantle our defenses, our diplomacy , or our intelligence capability … |
Jan 30, 1976 | Gerald R. Ford |
Remarks and a Question-and-Answer Session With Members of the Radio-Television News Directors Association. using agripower in the world diplomacy . If that is so, how would … |
Mar 13, 1976 | Gerald R. Ford |
Remarks and a Question-and-Answer Session in Wilkesboro, North Carolina. in the history of American diplomacy . But you could go down a … |
Apr 10, 1976 | Gerald R. Ford |
Remarks and a Question-and-Answer Session at the Annual Convention of the Texas Grain and Feed Association in El Paso. as a pawn in international diplomacy . Now, I know there are people … |
Oct 26, 1976 | Gerald R. Ford |
Remarks and a Question-and-Answer Session With Members of the Pittsburgh Economic Club in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. collective hard work skillful diplomacy , and I am very, very proud … our approaches to East-West diplomacy . The alliance in Europe has … strong alliances, and strong diplomacy . In place of a strong defense … |