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Tips on how to use advanced search

  • Search terms are case sensitive. Trump ≠ trump
  • From Date and To Date:  To define a date range, provide both fields. To search all documents before or after a specific date, provide only one date. The search will not accept only a year date.
  • Phrase Search:  Use double quotation marks ("). Example: "live in infamy"
  • Wildcards are supported, except for leading wildcards. Example: tes* (would match test, testing, and tester); *est does not work.
  • Search operators such as AND OR NOT && || ! are not supported.
  • Search term input values cannot exceed 256 characters.


Results   1 - 22 of 22 records found

Date Related Document Title
Feb 05, 2016 Barack Obama Remarks on the Economy and an Exchange With Reporters
Mar 07, 2016 Barack Obama Remarks Following a Meeting on Financial Regulatory Reform and an Exchange With Reporters
Apr 05, 2016 Barack Obama Remarks on Tax Code Reform and an Exchange With Reporters
Apr 21, 2016 Barack Obama Remarks During a Question-and-Answer Session With Reporters in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
May 06, 2016 Barack Obama Remarks on the National Economy and an Exchange With Reporters
Jun 13, 2016 Barack Obama Remarks Following a Briefing on the Terrorist Attack in Orlando, Florida, and an Exchange With Reporters
May 26, 2016 Barack Obama Remarks and a Question-and-Answer Session With Reporters in Shima City, Japan
Apr 28, 2016 Barack Obama Remarks to College Reporters and a Question-and-Answer Session
May 04, 2016 Barack Obama Remarks Following a Meeting on the Federal Government's Water Crisis Response Efforts in Flint, Michigan, and an Exchange With Reporters
Jun 23, 2016 Barack Obama Remarks on the Supreme Court's Decisions Regarding Affirmative Action and Immigration and an Exchange With Reporters
Oct 17, 2016 Barack Obama Remarks on Receiving Vice President Joe Biden's Report on the Cancer Moonshot and an Exchange With Reporters
Oct 07, 2016 Barack Obama Remarks Following a Briefing on Hurricane Matthew Preparedness and Response Efforts and an Exchange With Reporters
Aug 23, 2016 Barack Obama Remarks Following a Tour of Flood Damage and an Exchange With Reporters in Zachary, Louisiana
Sep 16, 2016 Barack Obama Remarks Prior to a Meeting With Business, Government, and National Security Leaders To Discuss the Trans-Pacific Partnership and an Exchange With Reporters
Oct 21, 2016 Barack Obama Remarks Following a Meeting With Former National Aeronautics and Space Administration Astronauts Commander Scott J. Kelly and Captain Mark E. Kelly and an Exchange With Reporters
Jan 17, 2017 Barack Obama Remarks During White House Press Secretary Joshua R. Earnest's Final Briefing and an Exchange With Reporters
Mar 30, 2016 Barack Obama Remarks During a Lunch With Commutation Recipients and an Exchange With Reporters
Feb 24, 2016 Barack Obama Remarks Following a Meeting With King Abdullah II of Jordan and an Exchange With Reporters
May 25, 2016 Barack Obama Remarks Following a Meeting With Prime Minister Shinzo Abe of Japan and an Exchange With Reporters in Ise-Shima, Japan
Jul 10, 2016 Barack Obama Remarks Following a Meeting With Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy Brey of Spain and an Exchange With Reporters in Madrid, Spain
Sep 04, 2016 Barack Obama Remarks Following a Meeting With Prime Minister Theresa May of the United Kingdom and an Exchange With Reporters in Hangzhou, China
Sep 14, 2016 Barack Obama Remarks Following a Meeting With State Counselor Aung San Suu Kyi of Burma and an Exchange With Reporters