Results   26 - 50 of 2639 records found

Date Related Document Title
Aug 07, 1969 Richard Nixon Executive Order 11477—Authorizing the Atomic Energy Commission to Make Certain Awards Without the Approval of the President
Aug 08, 1969 Richard Nixon Executive Order 11478—Equal Employment Opportunity in the Federal Government
Sep 08, 1969 Richard Nixon Executive Order 11479—The Honorable Everett McKinley Dirksen
Sep 09, 1969 Richard Nixon Executive Order 11480—The President's Committee on Employment of the Handicapped
Sep 10, 1969 Richard Nixon Executive Order 11481—The Honorable Everett McKinley Dirksen
Sep 22, 1969 Richard Nixon Executive Order 11482—Establishing a Construction Industry Collective Bargaining Commission
Sep 23, 1969 Richard Nixon Executive Order 11483—Inspection of Income Tax Returns by the Select Committee on Crime, House of Representatives
Sep 29, 1969 Richard Nixon Executive Order 11484—Designating the United International Bureaux for the Protection of Intellectual Property (BIRPI) as a Public International Organization Entitled to Enjoy Certain Privileges, Exemptions, and Immunities
Oct 01, 1969 Richard Nixon Executive Order 11485—Supervision and Control of the National Guard of the District of Columbia
Oct 03, 1969 Richard Nixon Executive Order 11486—Creating an Emergency Board to Investigate Disputes Between the Carriers Represented by the National Railway Labor Conference and Certain of Their Employees
Oct 06, 1969 Richard Nixon Executive Order 11487—Designation of Officers of the Department of the Interior to act as Secretary of the Interior
Oct 13, 1969 Richard Nixon Executive Order 11488—Including Certain Lands in the Cherokee National Forest
Oct 27, 1969 Richard Nixon Executive Order 11489—Amending Executive Order No. 11248, Placing Certain Positions in Levels IV and V of the Federal Executive Salary Schedule
Oct 28, 1969 Richard Nixon Executive Order 11490—Assigning Emergency Preparedness Functions to Federal Departments and Agencies
Oct 29, 1969 Richard Nixon Executive Order 11491—Labor-Management Relations in the Federal Service
Oct 30, 1969 Richard Nixon Executive Order 11492—Amending Executive Order No. 11398 with Respect to the Citizens Advisory Committee on Physical Fitness and Sports
Nov 13, 1969 Richard Nixon Executive Order 11494—Establishing the Presidential Citizens Medal
Nov 13, 1969 Richard Nixon Executive Order 11493—Establishing the Council for Rural Affairs
Nov 18, 1969 Richard Nixon Executive Order 11495—Providing for the Administration of the Disaster Relief Act of 1969
Nov 21, 1969 Richard Nixon Executive Order 11496—Regulation Governing the Entry or Withdrawal From Warehouse of Certain Meat With Respect to Which an Agreement Has Been Concluded
Nov 26, 1969 Richard Nixon Executive Order 11497—Amending the Selective Service Regulations to Prescribe Random Selection
Dec 01, 1969 Richard Nixon Executive Order 11498—Delegating to the Secretary of Defense the Authority to Approve Regulations Governing the Early Discharge of Enlisted Members
Dec 11, 1969 Richard Nixon Executive Order 11499—Amending Executive Order No. 11248, Placing Certain Positions in Levels IV and V of the Federal Executive Salary Schedule
Dec 12, 1969 Richard Nixon Executive Order 11500—Amending Executive Order No. 11452, Establishing the Council for Urban Affairs
Dec 22, 1969 Richard Nixon Executive Order 11501—Administration of Foreign Military Sales