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Results   201 - 225 of 2639 records found

Date Related Document Title
Mar 23, 1972 Richard Nixon Executive Order 11660—Amending Executive Order No. 11640, Further Providing for the Stabilization of the Economy
Mar 09, 1972 Richard Nixon Executive Order 11653—Exemption of Jack T. Stuart from Compulsory Retirement for Age
Mar 13, 1972 Richard Nixon Executive Order 11654—Transfer of the Federal Fire Council to the Department of Commerce
Mar 14, 1972 Richard Nixon Executive Order 11655—Inspection of Income, Excess-Profits, Estate, and Gift Tax Returns by the Committee on Government Operations, House of Representatives
Mar 14, 1972 Richard Nixon Executive Order 11656—Inspection of Income, Estate, and Gift Tax Returns by the Select Committee on Crime, House of Representatives
Mar 22, 1972 Richard Nixon Executive Order 11657—Exemption of C. Everette Spangler from Compulsory Retirement for Age
Mar 22, 1972 Richard Nixon Executive Order 11658—Establishment of the Missouri River Basin Commission
Mar 22, 1972 Richard Nixon Executive Order 11659—Establishment of the Upper Mississippi River Basin Commission
Apr 21, 1972 Richard Nixon Executive Order 11668—Providing for a National Center for Housing Management
May 20, 1972 Richard Nixon Executive Order 11670—Providing for the Return of Certain Lands to the Yakima Indian Reservation
Mar 29, 1972 Richard Nixon Executive Order 11662—Further Providing for the Administration of the Disaster Relief Act of 1970, as Amended
Mar 31, 1972 Richard Nixon Executive Order 11664—Creating an Emergency Board to Investigate a Dispute Between the Penn Central Transportation Company and Certain of Its Employees
Mar 31, 1972 Richard Nixon Executive Order 11663—Creating an Emergency Board to Investigate Disputes Between the Carriers Represented by the National Railway Labor Conference and Certain of Their Employees
Apr 10, 1972 Richard Nixon Executive Order 11665—James F. Byrnes
Apr 11, 1972 Richard Nixon Executive Order 11666—Qualification for the Investment Credit on Certain Articles and Classes of Articles of Predominantly Foreign Origin
Apr 19, 1972 Richard Nixon Executive Order 11667—Establishing the President's Advisory Committee on the Environmental Merit Awards Program
May 02, 1972 Richard Nixon Executive Order 11669—J. Edgar Hoover
Jun 05, 1972 Richard Nixon Executive Order 11671—Committee Management
Jun 06, 1972 Richard Nixon Executive Order 11672—Providing for the Transfer or Furnishing of Property Under the Postal Reorganization Act
Aug 21, 1972 Richard Nixon Executive Order 11680—Designation of Certain Officers To Act as Secretary of the Treasury
Jun 06, 1972 Richard Nixon Executive Order 11673—Amending Executive Order No. 8684 to Redefine the Culebra Island Naval Defensive Sea Area
Aug 21, 1972 Richard Nixon Executive Order 11681—Revoking Executive Order No. 5221 of November 11, 1929, Establishing a Limitation on Non-Official Employment of Officers or Employees of the American Government
Jun 29, 1972 Richard Nixon Executive Order 11674—Amending Executive Order No. 11640, as Amended, Further Providing for the Stabilization of the Economy
Jul 26, 1972 Richard Nixon Executive Order 11675—Exemption of John S. Patterson from Mandatory Retirement for Age
Jul 27, 1972 Richard Nixon Executive Order 11676—Providing for the Establishment of an Office of National Narcotics Intelligence Within the Department of Justice