Mar 09, 2000 |
William J. Clinton |
Remarks on Medicare Prescription Drug Benefit Legislation and an Exchange With Reporters |
Mar 16, 2000 |
William J. Clinton |
Remarks on Departure for Capitol Hill and an Exchange With Reporters |
Feb 15, 2000 |
William J. Clinton |
Remarks Prior to a Meeting With Technology Industry Leaders and Computer Security Experts and an Exchange With Reporters |
Feb 29, 2000 |
William J. Clinton |
Remarks on the Shooting Death at Theo J. Buell Elementary School in Michigan and an Exchange With Reporters in West Palm Beach |
Apr 22, 2000 |
William J. Clinton |
Remarks on Action To Enforce the Elian Gonzalez Custody Decision and an Exchange With Reporters |
Apr 15, 2000 |
William J. Clinton |
Exchange With Reporters in Sequoia National Forest |
May 05, 2000 |
William J. Clinton |
Exchange With Reporters Prior to Discussions With Prime Minister Yoshiro Mori of Japan |
May 05, 2000 |
William J. Clinton |
Remarks on the Employment Report and an Exchange With Reporters |
May 06, 2000 |
William J. Clinton |
Remarks on the Northern Ireland Peace Process and an Exchange With Reporters |
May 08, 2000 |
William J. Clinton |
Remarks Following a Meeting With Million Mom March Organizers and an Exchange With Reporters |
Mar 17, 2000 |
William J. Clinton |
Remarks on the Gun Safety Agreement With Smith & Wesson and an Exchange With Reporters |
Mar 22, 2000 |
William J. Clinton |
Exchange With Reporters at the Taj Mahal in Agra, India |
Apr 02, 2000 |
William J. Clinton |
Remarks on Arrival in San Jose, California, and an Exchange With Reporters |
May 12, 2000 |
William J. Clinton |
Remarks Following a Meeting With Million Mom March Representatives and an Exchange With Reporters in Akron, Ohio |
May 11, 2000 |
William J. Clinton |
Exchange With Reporters Following the National Equal Pay Day Observance |
May 11, 2000 |
William J. Clinton |
Remarks Prior to a Meeting With Congressional Conferees on the Patients' Bill of Rights and an Exchange With Reporters |
May 16, 2000 |
William J. Clinton |
Remarks on a Prescription Drug Benefit for Military Retirees and an Exchange With Reporters |
May 25, 2000 |
William J. Clinton |
Remarks on Proposed Medicare Prescription Drug Benefit Legislation and an Exchange With Reporters |
Jun 05, 2000 |
William J. Clinton |
Exchange With Reporters Aboard Air Force One |
Jun 06, 2000 |
William J. Clinton |
Remarks on Emergency Supplemental Appropriations Legislation and an Exchange With Reporters |
Jun 07, 2000 |
William J. Clinton |
Remarks on Increasing Participation in Clinical Trials and an Exchange With Reporters |
Jun 14, 2000 |
William J. Clinton |
Remarks on Proposed Medicare Prescription Drug Benefit Legislation and an Exchange With Reporters |
Jun 22, 2000 |
William J. Clinton |
Remarks on Medicare Prescription Drug Benefit and Tobacco Litigation Legislation and an Exchange With Reporters |
Jun 26, 2000 |
William J. Clinton |
Remarks on the Midsession Review of the Budget and an Exchange With Reporters |
Jun 09, 2000 |
William J. Clinton |
Exchange With Reporters Prior to Discussions With President Ernesto Zedillo of Mexico |