Results   26 - 50 of 70 records found

Date Related Document Title
May 08, 1987 Ronald Reagan Remarks to Reporters on the Decline in the Unemployment Rate
May 10, 1987 Ronald Reagan Remarks at the Dedication of Tuskegee University's General Daniel "Chappie" James Center in Alabama
May 11, 1987 Ronald Reagan Informal Exchange With Reporters
May 12, 1987 Ronald Reagan Remarks to Congressional Leaders on Defense Spending
May 13, 1987 Ronald Reagan Informal Exchange With Reporters on the Iran Arms and Contra Aid Controversy
May 13, 1987 Ronald Reagan Remarks Following Meetings With President Vinicio Cerezo Arevalo of Guatemala
May 19, 1987 Ronald Reagan Question-and-Answer Session With Area Reporters in Chattanooga, Tennessee
Jun 08, 1987 Ronald Reagan Informal Exchange With Reporters on Japan-United States Semiconductor Trade
Jun 16, 1987 Ronald Reagan Remarks and a Question-and-Answer Session With Economic Reporters
Jun 19, 1987 Ronald Reagan Informal Exchange With Reporters
Jul 30, 1987 Ronald Reagan Remarks to the Central American Peace Scholarship Program Participants
Jul 31, 1987 Ronald Reagan Informal Exchange With Reporters
Aug 07, 1987 Ronald Reagan Remarks to Reporters on Covert Action Procedural Reforms
Aug 27, 1987 Ronald Reagan Remarks at a Meeting With Nicaraguan Democratic Resistance Leaders in Los Angeles, California
Aug 28, 1987 Ronald Reagan Remarks on the Supreme Court Nomination of Robert H. Bork to Law Enforcement Officials in Los Angeles, California
Sep 15, 1987 Ronald Reagan Informal Exchange With Reporters Prior to a Meeting With Soviet Foreign Minister Eduard Shevardnadze
Sep 18, 1987 Ronald Reagan Remarks on the Outcome of the Soviet-United States Diplomatic Talks
Sep 29, 1987 Ronald Reagan Remarks on Signing the Bill To Increase the Federal Debt Ceiling
Sep 30, 1987 Ronald Reagan Remarks on Federal Loan Assets Sales
Oct 01, 1987 Ronald Reagan Informal Exchange With Reporters on the Supreme Court Nomination of Robert H. Bork
Oct 02, 1987 Ronald Reagan Informal Exchange With Reporters on the Supreme Court Nomination of Robert H. Bork
Oct 06, 1987 Ronald Reagan Remarks to Reporters on the Supreme Court Nomination of Robert H. Bork
Oct 08, 1987 Ronald Reagan Informal Exchange With Reporters on the Supreme Court Nomination of Robert H. Bork
Oct 16, 1987 Ronald Reagan Remarks at a White House Meeting With Soviet Exchange Students
Oct 17, 1987 Ronald Reagan Informal Exchange With Reporters