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Results   14576 - 14600 of 18391 records found

Date Related Document Title
May 10, 1939 Franklin D. Roosevelt Executive Order 8121—Establishing the Hutchinson Lake Migratory Waterfowl Refuge
May 10, 1939 Franklin D. Roosevelt Executive Order 8117—Establishing Dakota Lake Migratory Waterfowl Refuge
May 10, 1939 Franklin D. Roosevelt Executive Order 8114—Establishing the Camp Lake Migratory Waterfowl Refuge
May 10, 1939 Franklin D. Roosevelt Executive Order 8113—Establishing Buffalo Lake Migratory Waterfowl Refuge
May 10, 1939 Franklin D. Roosevelt Executive Order 8112—Establishing Bone Hill Creek Migratory Waterfowl Refuge
May 10, 1939 Franklin D. Roosevelt Executive Order 8127—Establishing Lords Lake Migratory Waterfowl Refuge
May 11, 1939 Franklin D. Roosevelt Proclamation 2336—Correcting the Proclamations of November 25, 1938, and January 11, 1939, Relating to the Marquette National Forest, Michigan
May 11, 1939 Franklin D. Roosevelt Executive Order 8130—Transfer of Lands From the Cache National Forest to the Caribou National Forest
May 11, 1939 Franklin D. Roosevelt Executive Order 8131—Inspection of Income, Excess-Profits, and Capital Stock Tax Returns by the Special Committee on Un-American Activities, House of Representatives
May 12, 1939 Franklin D. Roosevelt Executive Order 8132—Exemption of Miss Lilian H. Lamb From Compulsory Retirement for Age
May 15, 1939 Franklin D. Roosevelt Executive Order 8133—Further Amending Executive Order No. 7677-A of July 26, 1937, as Amended, Entitled "Civilian Conservation Corps"
May 17, 1939 Franklin D. Roosevelt Proclamation 2337—Santa Rosa Island National Monument, Florida
May 17, 1939 Franklin D. Roosevelt Executive Order 8137—Authorizing the Extension of Appointments of Certain Employees of the General Accounting Office
May 19, 1939 Franklin D. Roosevelt Executive Order 8139—Exemption of James E. Harper From Compulsory Retirement For Age
May 21, 1939 Franklin D. Roosevelt Statement on Foreign Trade Week.
May 22, 1939 Franklin D. Roosevelt Proclamation 2338—Australia—Suspension of Tonnage Duties
May 22, 1939 Franklin D. Roosevelt Address Before the American Retail Federation, Washington, D.C.
May 22, 1939 Franklin D. Roosevelt The President Takes Measures to Expand the Economic Cooperation Between Nicaragua and the United States.
May 24, 1939 Franklin D. Roosevelt Letter on Resale Price-Fixing Legislation in the District of Columbia.
May 25, 1939 Franklin D. Roosevelt Executive Order 8142—Exemption of Thomas A. Jaggar, Jr., From Compulsory Retirement For Age
May 26, 1939 Franklin D. Roosevelt Executive Order 8144—Partial Revocation of Executive Order of July 2, 1910, Creating Petroleum Reserve No. 7, Utah No. 1. Petroleum Restoration No. 61
Jun 08, 1939 Franklin D. Roosevelt Toast to His Majesty, King George VI, at the White House, Washington, D.C.
Jun 08, 1939 Franklin D. Roosevelt Letter on the Refugee Problem.
Jun 12, 1939 Franklin D. Roosevelt Graduation Address at United States Military Academy, West Point, New York.
Jun 12, 1939 Franklin D. Roosevelt Executive Order 8146—Reinstatement of Paul H. Alling, a Former Foreign Service Officer