Results   176 - 200 of 9467 records found

Date Related Document Title
Jul 05, 1864 Abraham Lincoln Proclamation 113—Declaring Martial Law and a Further Suspension of the Writ of Habeas Corpus in Kentucky
Jul 07, 1864 Abraham Lincoln Proclamation 114—Appointing a Day of National Humiliation, Fasting, and Prayer
Jul 08, 1864 Abraham Lincoln Proclamation 115—Concerning a Bill "To Guarantee to Certain States, Whose Governments Have Been Usurped or Overthrown, a Republican Form of Government," and Concerning Reconstruction
Jul 18, 1864 Abraham Lincoln Proclamation 116—Calling for 500,000 Volunteers
Aug 18, 1864 Abraham Lincoln Proclamation 117—Concerning Commercial Regulations
Sep 03, 1864 Abraham Lincoln Proclamation of Thanksgiving
Oct 20, 1864 Abraham Lincoln Proclamation 118—Thanksgiving Day, 1864
Oct 31, 1864 Abraham Lincoln Proclamation 119—Admitting Nevada Into the Union
Nov 19, 1864 Abraham Lincoln Proclamation 120—Raising the Blockade of the Ports of Norfolk, Virginia and Fernandina, and Pensacola, Florida
Dec 19, 1864 Abraham Lincoln Proclamation 121—Calling for 300,000 Volunteers
Jan 10, 1865 Abraham Lincoln Proclamation 122—Concerning Commerce
Feb 17, 1865 Abraham Lincoln Proclamation 123—Convening an Extra Session of the United States Senate
Mar 11, 1865 Abraham Lincoln Proclamation 124—Offering Pardon to Deserters
Mar 17, 1865 Abraham Lincoln Proclamation 125—Ordering the Arrest and Prosecution of Those Furnishing Arms to Hostile Indians
Apr 11, 1865 Abraham Lincoln Proclamation 127—Opening the Port of Key West
Apr 11, 1865 Abraham Lincoln Proclamation 128—Claiming Equality of Rights with All Maritime Nations
Apr 11, 1865 Abraham Lincoln Proclamation 126—Closing Certain Ports
Apr 25, 1865 Andrew Johnson Proclamation 129—Day of Fasting, Humiliation and Mourning for the Death of President Lincoln
Apr 29, 1865 Andrew Johnson Proclamation 130—Postponing the Day of Mourning for the Death of President Lincoln Until June 1
May 02, 1865 Andrew Johnson Proclamation 131—Rewards for the Arrest of Jefferson Davis and Others
May 10, 1865 Andrew Johnson Proclamation 132—Ordering the Arrest of Insurgent Cruisers
May 22, 1865 Andrew Johnson Proclamation 133—Raising the Blockade of Certain Ports
May 29, 1865 Andrew Johnson Proclamation 134—Granting Amnesty to Participants in the Rebellion, with Certain Exceptions
May 29, 1865 Andrew Johnson Proclamation 135—Reorganizing a Constitutional Government in North Carolina
Jun 13, 1865 Andrew Johnson Proclamation 136—Reorganizing a Constitutional Government in Mississippi