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Results   51 - 75 of 9442 records found

Date Related Document Title
Feb 06, 1815 James Madison Proclamation 19—Granting Pardon to Certain Inhabitants of Barrataria Who Acted in the Defense of New Orleans
Feb 18, 1815 James Madison Proclamation—Announcing a Treaty of Peace Between the United States of America and His Britannic Majesty Signed at Ghent
Sep 01, 1815 James Madison Proclamation 21—Warning Against Unauthorized Military Expedition Against the Dominions of Spain
Jun 17, 1814 James Madison Proclamation 17—Granting Pardon to All Deserters Who Return to Duty
Jun 29, 1814 James Madison Proclamation—Directing the British Blockade of the Coast of the United States to be Disregarded
Aug 08, 1814 James Madison Proclamation—Convening an Extra Session of the Congress
Sep 01, 1814 James Madison Proclamation—Calling All Citizens to Unite in Defense of the District of Columbia
May 01, 1816 James Madison Proclamation—Announcement of Location of Canadian Volunteer Warrants
Jan 01, 1817 James Madison Proclamation—Convening an Extra Session of the United States Senate
Mar 04, 1815 James Madison Proclamation 20—Recommending a Day of Public Thanksgiving for Peace
May 04, 1820 James Monroe Proclamation 26—Suspending Discriminating Duties on Vessels of the Free and Hanseatic city of Lubeck
Aug 20, 1821 James Monroe Proclamation 29—Suspending Discriminating Duties on Tonnage on Vessels of the Kingdom of Norway
Aug 10, 1821 James Monroe Proclamation 28—Admitting Missouri to the Union
Jul 10, 1821 James Monroe Proclamation 27—Offering Reward for the Apprehension of the Murderer of William Seaver
Apr 23, 1818 James Monroe Proclamation 23—Removing Restrictions on Plaster of Paris in Relation to the Province of Nova Scotia
Apr 15, 1817 James Monroe Proclamation—Notice of Public Land Sales at Wooster Land Office, Ohio
Apr 28, 1818 James Monroe Proclamation—Notice of Agreement Between the United States and Great Britain on Lmits of Naval Forces on the Great Lakes
Jul 04, 1818 James Monroe Proclamation 24—Removing Restrictions on Plaster of Paris Imports from the Provience of New Bruswick
Jul 24, 1818 James Monroe Proclamation 25—Suspending Discriminating Duties on Vessels of the Free and Hanseatic City of Bremen
Aug 01, 1818 James Monroe Proclamation 25A—Suspending Discriminating Duties on Vessels of the Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg
Nov 22, 1821 James Monroe Proclamation 30—Suspending Discriminating Tonnage Duties on Vessels of the Dukedom of Oldenburg
Jan 19, 1825 James Monroe Proclamation—Convening an Extra Session of the United States Senate
Aug 24, 1822 James Monroe Proclamation 32—Declaring the Ports of the United States to be Open to Vessels of Great Britain
Jun 24, 1822 James Monroe Proclamation 31—Suspending Discriminating Tonnage Duties on French Vessels
Mar 17, 1827 John Quincy Adams Proclamation 33—Levying Discriminating Duties on British Vessels Trading Between the United States and Certain British Colonies