Oct 03, 1789 |
George Washington |
Proclamation—Day of National Thanksgiving |
Aug 14, 1790 |
George Washington |
Proclamation—Publishing a Treaty of Peace and Friendship Between the United States and the Creek Nation of Indians |
Aug 26, 1790 |
George Washington |
Proclamation—Warning Against Violation of Treaties Between the United States and the Cherokee, Choctaw, and Chickasaw Indians |
Jan 24, 1791 |
George Washington |
Proclamation 1—Defining the Boundaries of the District of Columbia |
Mar 19, 1791 |
George Washington |
Proclamation 2—Respecting the Acts of James O'Fallon in Kentucky |
Mar 30, 1791 |
George Washington |
Proclamation—Ordering the Completion of a Survey to Establish the Boundaries of the District of Columbia |
Sep 15, 1792 |
George Washington |
Proclamation 3B—Cessation of Violence and Obstruction of Justice in Protest of Liquor Laws |
Dec 12, 1792 |
George Washington |
Proclamation 3A—Offering Reward for the Capture of Participants in the Burning of a Georgia Cherokee Indian Town |
Apr 22, 1793 |
George Washington |
Proclamation 4—Neutrality of the United States in the War Involving Austria, Prussia, Sardinia, Great Britain, and the United Netherlands Against France |
Mar 24, 1794 |
George Washington |
Proclamation 5—Respecting Enlisting Men in Kentucky to Invade a Neighboring Nation |
Aug 07, 1794 |
George Washington |
Proclamation—Cessation of Violence and Obstruction of Justice in Protest of Liquor Laws in Pennsylvania |
Sep 25, 1794 |
George Washington |
Proclamation—Authorizing Military Intervention to End Violence and Obstruction of Justice in Protest of Liquor Laws in Pennsylvania |
Jan 01, 1795 |
George Washington |
Proclamation 6—Day of Public Thanksgiving |
Jul 10, 1795 |
George Washington |
Proclamation—Granting Pardon to Certain Persons Formerly Engaged in Violence and Obstruction of Justice in Protest of Liquor Laws in Pennsylvania |
Mar 01, 1797 |
George Washington |
Proclamation—Convening an Extra Session of the United States Senate |
Mar 25, 1797 |
John Adams |
Proclamation—Convening an Extra Session of the Congress |
Jul 22, 1797 |
John Adams |
Proclamation 7—Notice of the Commencement of Minting United States Coins |
Mar 23, 1798 |
John Adams |
Proclamation 8—Recommending a National Day of Humiliation, Fasting, and Prayer |
Jul 13, 1798 |
John Adams |
Proclamation—Annulment of Recognition of French Consuls and Vice Consuls |
Jul 16, 1798 |
John Adams |
Proclamation—Convening an Extra Session of the United States Senate |
Mar 06, 1799 |
John Adams |
Proclamation—Recommending a National Day of Humiliation, Fasting, and Prayer |
Mar 12, 1799 |
John Adams |
Proclamation 9—Law and Order in the Counties of Northampton, Montgomery, and Bucks, in the State of Pennsylvania |
Jun 26, 1799 |
John Adams |
Proclamation 10—Suspending, as to St. Domingo, the Restraints of the Act of 1799 |
Jul 01, 1799 |
John Adams |
Proclamation—Withdrawal of Land at Martha's Vineyard, Massachusetts for a Lighthouse |
May 09, 1800 |
John Adams |
Proclamation—Remission of Trade Prohibition with Hispaniola |