Harry S. Truman photo

Joint Statement Following Discussions With Foreign Minister Sofianopoulos of Greece.

July 05, 1945

THE PRESIDENT today had the opportunity of a friendly conversation with Mr. Sofianopoulos, Foreign Minister of Greece, who arrived yesterday in Washington after the conclusion of the San Francisco Conference where he headed the Greek delegation. The President expressed appreciation to Mr. Sofianopoulos for his excellent work in San Francisco as chairman of one of the most important Conference committees.

Mr. Sofianopoulos discussed with the President the United Nations Charter, and the President was pleased with Mr. Sofianopoulos' expression of confidence that the friendly atmosphere and the resulting success of the Conference enabled Greece, as one of the smaller nations, to look forward to a period of international understanding and security within the framework of a united family of nations.

The President remarked with satisfaction upon the recent official notification to Tokyo by the Greek Government that Greece has considered itself in a state of war with Japan since its severance of diplomatic relations on December 8, 1941, and welcomed this further evidence that the Greek people, who played such a brave role in resisting Axis aggression on their own soil, are stanchly lined up with the Allies in their determination to see through to a victorious close the war against Japan. The President assured Mr. Sofianopoulos that the American people would never forget the heroic attitude of the Greek people or the great sacrifices made by Greece in the common interest.

In discussing the urgent problems of rehabilitation and reconstruction facing Greece at this time, the President expressed to Mr. Sofianopoulos the sincere interest of this Government in seeing normal economic conditions reestablished in Greece as soon as possible. In this connection the President assured Mr. Sofianopoulos of this Government's desire not only to facilitate the relief and rehabilitation program of UNRRA in Greece, but also to assist in every feasible way in Greek reconstruction.

Mr. Sofianopoulos expressed to the President the heartfelt gratitude of the Greek nation for the sympathy constantly manifested by the American Government and people during the dark years of occupation, and his appreciation for the new words of encouragement and hope which the President gave him for the Greek people.

Harry S Truman, Joint Statement Following Discussions With Foreign Minister Sofianopoulos of Greece. Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/node/231843

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